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    Below are categories of articles on this blog.

  1. small and medium scale business
  2. blogging tips
  3. internet marketing
  4. family finance
  5. personal finance
  6. education finance
  7. import and export business
  8. social network marketing
  9. online marketing
  10. offline business
  11. loan matters
  12. bank industry
  13. perfect finance
  14. stock and forex
  15. telecommunication
  16. internet and computer
  17. scam matters
  18. oil and gas
  19. world trade
  20. inspiration and motivation
                            TIPS TO WRITE
  1. Enter Author’s full name in CAPITAL letter ( Author Bio)
  2. Enter Author’s website or email
  3. pick a category {e.g family finance}
  4. Topic title in Capital letter
  5. attach media file {pics or video}.
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