Today, everything exhibits partial or complete dependency on the Internet. May it be E-commerce websites, marketing or social networking-Internet plays a vital role in fulfillment of these activities. Many people consider social networks an inseparable part of their lives and know how to make effective use of them. For example, many people are of the idea that usage of these networks is only confined to teenagers, which is not true in any case. Many successful organizations are making brilliant use of social forums to enhance their online presence and benefit from a good network of followers and other corporate opportunities.
Social networks are the key to good networking, as they not only keep you updated with latest news and trends but also allow you to interact with people from all over the world. Staying in touch with people from all over the globe increases your chance of better career opportunities and gives people insights to foreign markets as well. The five following points portray the importance of social networks in modern way of living:
- Staying up to date just with your smart phone: When it comes to catching up with national and global events, newspapers have become an unfavorable choice for many. The world is advancing with speed of an avalanche and people are short of time. Where the majority prefers reading news feed from social networks for updates, the newspaper audience uses tablets and mobile devices to access news. Also these forums allow you to share news with your online community before anyone gets to know it from any other electronic or digital source. Twitter for example enables you to follow any source and contribute to the existing information.
- No boundaries for businesses: Thanks to technology that space is no longer an obstacle when it comes to running business from multiple locations. Skype, Google and Facebook messenger provides the opportunity of conducting Audio and Video-conferences and hence many meetings take place online. Not only do these social networks help in virtual meetings but also in sharing experiences with employees from the headquarters or other branches. Connecting online is much easier to approach others for suggestions, ideas and advices as it is less time consuming and more cost effective.
- Online marketing: Long gone are the times when newspaper and TV were the only options to advertise your business or cause. Social networks like Facebook, twitter, instagram and Pinterest are platforms that serve as a free advertising tools for promotions of products and services. There are numerous examples of companies that started with a Facebook page that promoted their offerings and soon they were popular globally and later invested in physical establishments. The concept of online marketing was ignited by the huge response from the users of these social media applications. The trend is escalating with reference to product sellers and service providers belonging to hybrid industries. Their prime focus is to strengthen social networking in order to flourish their businesses.
- Career development: Linkedin is indeed the answer to all those who question the usefulness of social networking with regards to career development. It is indeed a very strong and useful social site for the business community. Not only candidates looking for suitable jobs are benefitted from this source but headhunters come across brilliant options that are a perfect match for their organizations. It is a great option to share success stories, connect with people sharing similar expertise and seek advice form seniors and consultants. However It is essential to build useful connections that belong to a persons field of interest and can help in future regarding job search.
- Solutions to problems: Another major perk of a large online network is the heap of solutions one is rewarded with every time a problem occurs. You are stuck with a mobile that goes dead after every five minutes, you post the issue on your Social network sites and whoops, Hundreds of answers pop up just in minutes. This is what a good and useful online community is. Even if you sift through search engines for options they can never out-do the personal experiences that people share with you. And so it happens in the case vice-versa, when a friend needs some help over an issue that you have been through in past, you can easily chip in your input and enjoy some favor returns in future.
So, the benefits of networking through social media platforms are endless. It just gets better and better if one knows how to share the most useful information, provide and seek opportunities, and take active part in discussions that add up to the pool of knowledge on the whole!